About Pet Eulogies

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

Pet Eulogies: Pet loss advice, books, and resources for pet owners and the veterinarians who comfort them.

Pet Eulogies is a platform for pet parents, family members, and the veterinary community to better understand and navigate pet loss through the power of shared individual experiences and a collective passion for the well-being of animals .

If you would like to honor a pet of yours or share your story on Pet Eulogies, please reach out to us at: admin (at) peteulogies.com.

Always Connected

[More pet loss advice, insights, and resources: Life After Loss: 5 Signs It’s Time for a New PetPet Loss Condolences: What to Say and How to Say It, and 8 Books on Pet Loss and Grief.]