Knowing that a pet companion is nearing the end of their time on earth is an emotional experience. Taking care of your pet’s end-of-life needs can be very psychologically stressful and debilitating to other areas of your life, including your personal well-being, professional responsibilities, and family life.
So please make sure to attend to your own mental and emotional needs as you navigate this difficult time. Being in a healthy (as possible) place allows you to better serve your pet’s needs and your remaining time together.
For more information, consider reading these informative articles from trusted resources regarding end-of-life care for your pet.
End of Life Care by the ASPCA
End of Life Care for Pets FAQ by Fetch/Pets WebMD
End-of-Life Care for Your Pet by American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
A Careful Walk-Through of Your Pet’s Final Days (and After) by HealthLine
Top 12 Things You Should Know About AAHA’s End-of-Life Care Guidelines by American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)
What resources do you recommend to folks experiencing the hardship of end-of-life circumstances for their pet?
More pet loss advice, insights, and resources: Life After Loss: 5 Signs It’s Time for a New Pet, How to Write a Pet Eulogy, and Forever Pet Memories & Remembrances.]